Medium Slimline Girl

Medium (height) Slimline (body type) Girls are mostly Asian fashion dolls.  They are shorter of stature and have a slimmer, less curvy body type.  There are both Big-headed (ex Pullip) and small-headed (ex Momoko, Azone 25cm girl) dolls that can be clothed in this size.

The MS size has the same proportions as the PS size from the waist up, but 125% larger.  What this means is that all patterns that are not fitted to the hip (pants) in PS size will fit MS dolls, too!

Regular price $5.99
Regular price $5.99
Regular price $5.99
Regular price $5.99
Regular price $6.99
Regular price $4.99
Regular price $6.99
Regular price $6.99
Regular price $5.99